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Class Overview

Player Handbook 1 (PH1)
Cleric (page 60) [LEAD]: A divinely inspired warrior.
Clerics are battle leaders who are invested with divine power. They blast foes with magical prayers, bolster and heal companions, and lead the way to victory with a mace in one hand and a holy symbol in the other. Clerics run the gamut from humble servants of the common folk to ruthless enforcers of evil gods.

Fighter (page 75) [TANK]: A master of martial combat.
Fighters are determined combat adepts trained to protect the other members of their adventuring groups. Fighters define the front line by bashing and slicing foes into submission while reflecting enemy attacks through the use of heavy armor.  Fighters draw weapons for gold, for glory, for duty, and for the mere joy of unrestrained martial exercise.

Paladin (page 89) [TANK]: A champion dedicated to a specific deity.
Paladins are indomitable warriors who’ve pledged their prowess to something greater than themselves. Paladins smite enemies with divine authority, bolster
the courage of nearby companions, and radiate as if a beacon of inextinguishable hope. Paladins are transfigured on the field of battle, exemplars of divine ethos in action.

Ranger (page 103) [DPS]: A ranged or two-weapon combat specialist.
Rangers are watchful warriors who roam past the horizon to safeguard a region, a principle, or a way of life. Masters of bow and blade, rangers excel at hit-and run assaults and can quickly and silently eliminate foes. Rangers lay superb ambushes  and excel at avoiding danger.

Rogue (page 116) [DPS]: A combatant who uses stealth and slyness to thwart enemies.
Rogues are cunning and elusive adversaries. Rogues slip into and out of shadows  on a whim, pass anywhere across the field of battle without fear of reprisal, and appear suddenly only to drive home a lethal blade.

Warlock (page 129) [DPS]: A wielder of arcane power gleaned from otherworldly entities.
Warlocks channel arcane might wrested from primeval entities. They commune with infernal intelligences and fey spirits, scour enemies with potent blasts of eldritch power, and bedevil foes with hexing curses. Armed with esoteric secrets and dangerous lore, warlocks are clever and resourceful foes.

Warlord (page 143) [LEAD]: A commander who leads from the front.
Warlords are accomplished and competent battle leaders. Warlords stand on the front line issuing commands and bolstering their allies while leading the battle with weapon in hand. Warlords know how to rally a team to win a fight.

Wizard (page 156) [CONTROL]: The world’s most powerful purveyor of magic.
Wizards are scions of arcane magic. Wizards tap the true power that permeates the cosmos, research esoteric rituals that can alter time and space, and hurl balls of fire that incinerate massed foes. Wizards wield spells the way warriors brandish swords.

Player Handbook 2 (PH2)
Avenger (page 32) [DPS]: A divine striker trained in secret rites to bring divine justice to the gods’ foes.
In secret temples far from bustling cities and priestly hierarchies, orders of esoteric warriors train their initiates in ancient traditions now forgotten or forbidden by most religious organizations. The champions of these orders are avengers—deadly  weapons in the hands of their gods, imbued with divine power through secret rites of initiation. In battle, avengers swear to execute divine vengeance, entering a  mental state that gives them unerring focus on a single enemy.

Barbarian (page 48) [DPS]: A striker who rages with primal fury.
Barbarians are savage warriors who deal out powerful blows from their mighty weapons. They charge from foe to foe and seldom feel the pain of an enemy’s
strike. For barbarians’ foes, the moments of greatest terror come when barbarians call upon primal forces to lend power to their raging spirits. These rages, although temporary, give a barbarian incredible powers, a combination of skill, willpower, and a legacy of ancient tribal rituals.

Bard (page 66) [LEAD]: An arcane leader who inspires and empowers with magic song and verse.
Bards are artists first and foremost, and they practice magic just as they practice song, drama, or poetry. They have a clear sense of how people perceive reality, so they master charm magic and some illusions. Sagas of great heroes are part of a bard’s repertoire, and most bards follow the example of many fables and become skilled in a variety of fields. A bard’s artistic ability, knowledge of lore, and arcane might are widely respected, particularly among the world’s rulers.

Druid (page 82) [CONTROL]: A controller who is a master of primal magic and can take on animal forms.
Secretive and enigmatic, druids call the wilderness their home. They are capable of running with a wolf pack, speaking with the most ancient trees, and watching thunderstorms from atop the clouds themselves. They regard challenges as tests, both of their fitness and of their connection with the wild places of the world. And though many druids project an outward calm, they have the cunning of the beast and the fury of the storm.

Invoker (page 100) [CONTROL]: A controller who wields raw divine power, the magic the gods used to fight the primordials.
At the dawn of time, the gods who inhabited the Astral Sea warred with the  primordials of the Elemental Chaos, the mighty beings who shaped the
world out of formless void. The greatest of the gods’ mortal agents in that war were invokers, imbued with a fragment of the gods’ own might to fight alongside them. No other mortal servant of the gods can claim the same kind of power. Through rites of investiture, avengers, clerics, and paladins gain the ability to manifest echoes of that power, uttering careful prayers and channeling divine energy through their holy symbols. You, however, channel your god’s power directly. No mere symbol can contain it, for you speak the words of creation, shaping the universe to your and your god’s will.

Shaman (page 118) [LEAD]: A mystic leader who channels primal power through a spirit companion.
Shamans are inspiring and dangerous battle leaders. They command powerful spirit guides, and through them lead their allies. These nature spirits bolster their allies’ attacks and offer protection and healing when needed.

Sorcerer (page 136) [DPS]: A striker who is an open floodgate of unshaped arcane might.
The sorcerer is the arcane antithesis of the wizard. Wielding raw, barely contained magical power, sorcerers channel bursts and blasts of arcane energy through their bodies. They gain their power not through rigorous study of esoteric tomes, but by harnessing magic in their blood, waiting to be tapped and shaped. If wizards wield magic as fighters wield swords, a sorcerer’s magic is the arcing greataxe of a raging barbarian.

Warden (page 152) [TANK]: A staunch defender who channels the power of earth and root.
As mountains stand fast against the buffeting wind and trees bend but do not break in the storm, wardens are stalwart protectors who draw on the primal spirits of nature to defend the natural world from those who would corrupt or destroy it. Some wardens use the power of earth and stone to shield their allies from harm, whereas others summon the primal strength within themselves to increase their ferocity and tenacity.

Player Handbook 3 (PH3)
Ardent (page 22) [LEAD]: A psionic leader who manipulates the emotions ofallies and enemies alike.
Those who let their base emotions rule them invite madness and destruction. Prolonged feelings offear, greed, lust, or hatred can weaken the mind's defenses against manipulation. Yielding psionic power, you excite such emotions in your enemies, creating gaps in their defenses and frustrating their attacks, all while filling your allies with encouraging thoughts and guarding them against despair and other negative emotions.

Battlemind (page 42) [TANK]: A psionic defender who exercises the power ofthe mind to control the body.
As wanderers, mercenaries, and adventurers, battleminds are carefree warriors who seek only to test their skill against the mightiest and most dangerous opponents. Battleminds possess a potent combination of psionic and physical skill. allowing them to use their magic to manipulate and deceive their foes even as their fighting skill lets them carve a swath through enemy ranks. Battleminds tend to be bold and sometimes arrogant, an attitude earned through bringing ruin to enemies over the course of many conflicts.

Monk (page 62) [DPS]: A psionic striker who combines focused melee attacks, often made unarmed, with incredible feats ofmovement and agility.
From high in forbidding mountains to deep in the alleys of a city's meanest district, the ascetic warriors known as monks practice their art. By fOCUSing on their minds and bodies, honing both to near perfection, they master a psionic fighting art that allows them to deliver a punch with the force of a giant's club and to absorb attacks as easily as a heavily armored knight. MOIiks tap into the psionic potential that rests within themselves, turning that energy further inward to fortify their bodies and sharpen their minds.

Psion (page 80) [CONTROL]: A psionic controller who uses mental powers to move objects or opponents, or to bend foes' minds to his or her will
Psions are the quintessential manipulators ofpsionic power. Psions unleash the potential locked within every conscious mind, move objects with just a thought, and assume command ofeven the least desire of their foes. Psions make manifest their secret wishes when others can only dream.

Runepriest (page 98) [LEAD]: A divine leader who uses the mystical runes of the gods to form prayers of warding or destruction.
Isolated in sacred forges and holy libraries, runepriests seek to unlock the secrets ofthe runes ofdivine power. Legend holds that the gods crafted a set ofpowerful runes, each imbued with a core ofdivine power, to help create the world and give it order. During the long war against the primordials, many ofthese runes were lost. Even the gods only dimly recall the runes of power. Somewhere in the forgotten depths ofa dungeon or the isolated corner ofthe planes, those ancient runes wait to be discovered. A runepriest can learn much in the peaceful halls ofa temple. but sooner or later he or she must put on armor and go forth to find or create a new rune, and in so doing earn a name among the masters ofrune magic.

Seeker (page 116) [CONTROL]: A controller who calls on nature spirits to imbue arrows or other projectiles with primal power.
Seekers are primal champions who scour the wilderness in search of those who would defile it. Versed in hunting techniques handed down through the generations, seekers combine thrown weapon and bow techniques with primal evocations. The combination allows seekers great range in which to deliver deadly attacks that confound and hamper their enemies. When a seeker looses a missile, the primal spirits bound to it through ancient evocations are freed , sometimes as terrifying beasts and sometimes as nature's raw destructive potential.

Hybrid Characters (page 134): New rules for combining the features and powers of two classes in a manner far more flexible than multiclassing.
The hybrid character rules allow you to combine elements of two character classes into a whole. Effectively, you create a brand-new class from portions of two classes. Like the multiclass feats introduced in the Player's Handbook, these rules let you reflect a more varied array ofcharacter abilities than traditional classes do. Whether you're doing this to reflect your character's elaborate backs tory, to combine different mechanical elements to create a potent new combination, or to fill out a group that needs just a little something extra, the end result is the same: Your hybrid character gives up depth of ability in exchange for greater flexibility.

Edit: Formatting

-- Edited by Monk on Wednesday 1st of December 2010 12:48:20 AM

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